Saturday, August 29, 2015

Window 10 !!

After the long wait schedule for my pc to upgrade to win 10 (yes, it does take some time to schedule ur pc to update to win10, for my, it takes around 3 weeks :'D )

looking at the failure update to win10 for the past few weeks, finally it appear the message to ask me to upgrade my pc to win10!! 


ok then it took around 2 hours for the pc to upgrade from win7 to win10

After win10 is ready, few function of my pc is fail to be carry out... (well, expected :p )
my pc is Asus N56

so, the 1st thing i found out that i cannot use is my touchpad... although I got mouse too, but I use mousepad together too, So, the 1st things to do is to update the driver for win10, just simple go google to search for the solution, as for me, I go asus support page which can download all the drivers there, then search for the win10 driver, and download the touchpad driver, then restart the pc

:D yay, my lovely toucpad is back~!

=====Link is here :D====

Well, I am quite a lazy person which is do not want to explore win10 for now, so the next important things to be fix is the Hibernate function.
Since I am a laptop user, hibernate function is a favorite to me. I use it instead of shut down for the fast resume of windows. So just google again, there are tons of solution, but I found this is the one that I want.

just search the power option at the search there (to save time :p )
then select choose what the power button do
then, if u found out the available option is in gray color (which u cannot select it) check the top there, change settings that are currently unavailable <<< after clicking this, you should able to add Hibernate option to ur power button now :D

then, enjoy win10 :D !

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Random :)

Priceless for the シャツの下 XDDDDDDDDDDDD

Sunday, January 18, 2015




还是......因为那些逼死人的assignment....... T_T

Friday, January 16, 2015

[115] 四魂制作组 - Shiki 屍鬼 720p 1-22+SP

然后就去找了找,毕竟是旧番,bt 大多数都没种了(眼神死)
但·是!还是被我找到了720p 的源~ (本来想下BD的,但没源了...... T__T )

四魂制作组的~ 是720p mkv 简/繁/日3种字幕
全集+TV 未放送 共24集
我就弄了个115 礼包 ~ 要就拿吧

表示115傲娇了,不过google 或度娘一下还是可以找到源的 :v

经典动漫,你值得一看 XDDD


Friday, January 2, 2015

2015 新的一年,新的目标~!

2015 转眼间就到来了...... 俺的考试才完不到1天就过年了,非常没有过道年的感觉啊啊啊啊!!!!

好吧,新的一年的目标,是时候来整理这个Blog了xDDDDD (懒人一个


好吧来写日记 Let's日记!

p/s: 那些旧的draft迟点找个时间po吧 (到底是几时才要post啊 xD